I heard about this photo challenge about a year ago, and I am excited to participate in it this year. Basically it requires you to take a photo a day for a year and then post your pictures to flicker or any other medium. I am going to try and post my pictures on my blog once a week. I like the idea of capturing everyday life and having pictorial documentation of entire year. I plan on developing and binding the photos at the end of 2011. Let's see if I can stick to this. Here are my photos from the first week of January:
January 1st (started packing for our trip to Mexico)

January 2nd (Welcome card and fresh eggs for the new family in town)

January 3rd ( I made french toast with fruit on the morning I forgot I was supposed to fast for my gestational diabetes test - I ate it anyway)

January 4th (a lovely snowfall)

January 5th (a picture with my newly hired doula) So excited to have support me in labour with baby #2.

January 6th (my bed with new bedcover and headboard)

January 7th (Making lots and lots of pillows - this one of my favorites)

Well that concludes week One I am going to be overseas until the end of January, so there will not be any photos until I return.