Our family spent Spring Break in Esperanza. It is a wonderful little community located on the west coast of Vancouver Island. As long as I can remember it has been my home away from home and a place that is dear to my heart. It holds so many memories from my childhood. I love seeing my children experience it the way I once did.
Nathaniel had such a good time jamming with new and old friends.
Our boat ride to Esperanza from Tahsis.
Amelia went kayaking for the first time and loved it
Heidi's youngest daughter is such a brave little monkey! This rope swing was such a hit with all the children.

Early riser
My favorite Maple Tree. I used to spend hours sitting in its lower branches when I was a child.
We had some some good weather....
As well as a lot of rain.
I was thankful I had brought Claire's muddy buddy suit.
A painting on one of the gymnasium doors.
Spot it!
Multitasking mamma

We learned how to make felted nests

This young father fell fast asleep beside his newborn daughter in the main dinning hall.

An attempt at a family photo
It was our turn as a family to wash the dishes and the girls had so much fun learning how to use the mechanical dish washer and sprayer. Seeing them happily helping made me so proud. Now three generations in my family have volunteered in Esperanza.
And this happened.......
....w hile a pod of killer whales were passing by Esperanza. I have only seen killer whales once before in the wild so it was pretty special.

Baby wearing at it's finest. The following pictures were taken by ether Heidi or her hubby Steinar.
My dearest friend Heidi
Her Norwegian Husband
A fun picture from one of the many family challenges we had during camp.
Cindy is one incredible woman.
I love the expression on Annabelle's face (in the purple).