It's days like today remind me that I a still capable of adventure as a mom of three. Somehow I managed to leave the house by 7:30am this morning with everything I needed for a full day on Gabriola Island with my children.
My friend Nicole had told me about an awesome VBS (Vacation Bible Camp) that was taking place there and had invited me to camp with her. Since the thought of camping with three children on my own made me shudder, I decided to do day trips instead. The girls LOVED the VBS and we will definitely be attending next year. The theme this year "Taste and see that I am Good". This church must have spent months preparing for this camp. Everything had been hand painted and constructed out of cardboard, foam and wire. It was impressive.

They even had local chefs preparing delicious cuisine for the children to try.

After camp we convened my friend's campsite for lunch and then headed to beach. It was good to spend two full days away from my muggy house with its clutter and distractions. I still changed diapers and administered snacks, but being with friends in the great outdoors made it more enjoyable.
My friend Nicole had told me about an awesome VBS (Vacation Bible Camp) that was taking place there and had invited me to camp with her. Since the thought of camping with three children on my own made me shudder, I decided to do day trips instead. The girls LOVED the VBS and we will definitely be attending next year. The theme this year "Taste and see that I am Good". This church must have spent months preparing for this camp. Everything had been hand painted and constructed out of cardboard, foam and wire. It was impressive.
They even had local chefs preparing delicious cuisine for the children to try.
After camp we convened my friend's campsite for lunch and then headed to beach. It was good to spend two full days away from my muggy house with its clutter and distractions. I still changed diapers and administered snacks, but being with friends in the great outdoors made it more enjoyable.
Levi consumed a surprising amount of moss, sand and dirt and who knows what else, but he was happy. Thankfully, he managed to take two good naps between his car seat and my wrap.
Can't wait until next year!