I have always longed to be more crafty and artistic, but I have come to realize that this is something that cannot be forced. When Nathaniel and I bought our first home I had an entire room set aside for artistic endeavors. I bought a sewing machine, lovely cloth boxes to store craft supplies, and painted the room an inspiring lilac color. Unfortunately, I rarely spent time in that room… either because it was too hot during the summer or I had other pursuits that demanded my time. Now my husband and I are renting a small room from my parents, as we recently returned from traveling the world and my craft corner, (a small closet with a table and some shelves) has become a frenzy of projects and inspirations. I have been scrap booking, baking, sketching out my future home, designing outfits for the exotic fabrics I collected from overseas, and stringing together wreaths and other Christmas embellishments for my cookie tins. I have been finding an enormous amount of fabulous European craft blogs on the internet, which I find to be an endless source of ideas and inspiration. Today I recently found an incredible website where I could order a custom made stamp with my name on it. I am very excited and I an think of a few friends that would love to have a customized stamp as well.

In the new year I hope to start working with felt, sewing children’s clothing and knitting. I think that felt is such a beautiful and versitile medium. Here are a few pictures of felt creations I found on the website: http://vlijtig.blogspot.com/2008/11/order-you-own-unique-hand-carved-stamp.html Enjoy

I have throughly enjoyed baking this winter. I am looking forward to making some delicious Ginger Crinkles from a recipeI found online. I have definatly eaten a decent amount of goodies these past few months. Hmmmmmm

I think that other the next couple months of my pregnancy I would like to do more sewing projects. This bunny is just darling.

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