Since I have become a mother, I have learned to appreciate every second of "free" time I am blessed with. Sometimes I actually feel sick to my stomache if I don't think I've used my "free" time properly. My heart longs to jump right into the thick of something creative, but dirty laundrey and piles of dishes niggle at the edges of my consciousness. Sometimes I cast aside the nesesdary and make a bigger mess with fabric and glue and felt..... and when I do it feels great, esspecially when I have something to show for it. Our lives revolve around the same routines everyday, and sometimes we need to shake it up- feel alive and surprise ourselves. I hate getting stuck in rutes, how about you? I am inspired by women like Brittney Soucy, a woman who has five children, who still manages to find the time to make beautiful things. You really have to check out her blog and etsy site sometime. I love her presepctive on mothering as well. Sometimes at the end of the day, when my hair is standing on end, my nerves feel frazzled and I smell like baby spit up I need to laugh and be reminded why I am doing what I am doing.
I think I'd like to make this with some felt I have laying around. Seriously, I have way too many creative projects on the go already.....

These are just way too awesome. I found them on etsy and I think I may have to buy them for my daughter. My husband and I LOVE sushi!
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