I haven't updated my blog in quite some time - primarily because I have been so grumpy and negative that I have not had anything nice to say. I tend to keep negative things to myself but today I am going to be honest.
I feel like I am fraying apart. My anger is out of control and I don't know how to get my act together. I am throwing temper tantrums on a regular basis and focusing on all the negative things in my life (which are few) rather than the positive (many). I feel depressed, lethargic, tired, uncreative... and yet for some reason obsessed with keeping my house clean (an almost impossible task with a busy one year old). Needless to say, I am a wreck and I can't stand it. I am in tears nearly everyday and when I am not bawling my eyes out I am fantasising about breaking things. The other day Nathaniel gave Amelia her bath and put her to bed while I tended the bonfire in our yard. It felt so good to be outside, with the heat of the fire on my face... watching the fire burn.
Despite the fact that I feel incredibly low, I am comforted knowing that Jesus sees me at my worst and still loves me. He knows what is going on inside this frantic heart of mine and He alone brings it peace. He is faithful when I am faithless and strong when I am weak.