.... this can occur a matter of seconds...
.... and this if tissue is involved.....
.......shoes go missing and end up in strange places....
.... your tupperware cupboard now looks something like this (ie. disorganized)...
.......the floor is strewn with random bits of discarded food.....
...everything is mouth fodder (including expensive things you prefer not covered in saliva)......
... you become accustomed to seeing food everywhere and stuck to everything...
..... your shower is no longer "private"....
I just smiled when i saw these pictures by you. I can relate to that. Just recently sam has been into pulling more things out of shelves such as books and he pushes them around like cars. When he is in his room he takes all his clothes out of his droors and throws them around his room. Tupperwear gets taken out all over the kitchen floor. Its fun isnt it!
I remember those days! I think that encouraged Chris and I to de-junk a bit and box up some books.
Then the shelves were bare until after Ashleigh went through that stage!
Good times!
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