Well aside from battling snotting noses, congestion, burnt fingers, sore throats and sleep deprivation...
we have been picking dandelions....
and fist fulls of rocks...
playing "house"...
loving the sunshine....
and playing with little friends.... (I am watching this little girl two days a week).
Needless to say I have not been spending much time doing housework.... so things around here have gotten a little messy.
Thankfully Amelia had a nice long nap today and I got the place tidied up. Ahhh how I love it when everything is in its place.
I am eagerly looking forward to having some friends come and visit over the may long weekend. If the weather is good we are hoping to.... have a bonfire and roast some wieners (the only way I will eat them), a barbecue ( I can't wait to sink my teeth into a steak), take a walk in the meadow, and play board games. Hmm it will be good to see old friends.
Love the way you take pictures Jocelyn. :0)
Glad you got your house tidied. It is a good feeling to have everything in it's place.
Speaking of which, the kitchen is a disaster, so I should go tidy it. We dashed out the door to do school at the park today, for something different and when we returned, I had to throw out half of a small jar of miracle whip that had been sitting on the counter the whole time we were gone. I thought I just left the dishes scattered. Oops! We had a great time at the park, kind of windy, but found some shelter ;0)
Your blog makes me happy.
Hey joc, I finally got back on blogger and got to see the last 7 posts of yours. its so good to see what your up to. love your chickens and amelia is looking so cute. Glad the country life is working out for you and nathaniel.
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