I realized the other day, while skimming through pictures I have taken over the past month and a half, that there are zero pictures of me. So, tonight I took a couple unflattering shots of myself. When I say unflattering it is due to the fact that I had just finished putting my daughter back to sleep 7 times, scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees, washing a mountain of dishes, and chasing my chickens into their pen. NOT a glamour shot.
Hmmmm right now I am sitting her eating the most delicious strawberry rhubarb muffin slathered with apricot jam. Oh, and did I mention I just polished off the fantastic Norwegian chocolate bar I received in the mail. So, yes, I am a little off track.... or a lot off track, but tomorrow evening I will be lacing up my shoes and going for a good run. It just so happens that I am thoroughly enjoying running. Often when I work out I wear headphones to keep myself pumped and /or distract me what I am actually doing.. ie: brutalizing my body. However, when am running in the meadow I don;t want noise in my ears. I find myself relishing the silence as well as the simple sounds..... the wind rustling though the aspen and the mountain blue birds calling to each other. The soft earth feels good under my feet and the sun is warm on the thirsty skin. And so, I plod along huffing and puffing but smiling all the while. One day I will be in shape again, but until then I will just enjoy being outdoors and breathing the mountain air.... and eating muffins at 10pm at night.
Aside from the above mentioned household "duties" I managed to squeeze in some time to:
.......put my daughter's favorite butterfly into a shadow box so she doesn't maul it more than she already has - (note the missing part of the wing)
.... make a card for my friend Cristina
..... bake the muffins I am now scarfing down
And now I am off to bed. Adios!