These days I have thinking a lot about our daily routine. What I like about it, what I want to change and so on... this is how our day unfolds:
5:00am - Amelia wakes up for a nurse and then goes back to sleep
6:30am - Amelia wakes up and I bring her into bed with me for half an hour for a cuddle and some more nursing.
7:00am - Get out of bed and make some tea (preferably peppermint or chamomile).
7:30am - Change a very soggy and usually poopy diaper and get Amelia dressed.
7:45am - Breakfast. Usually oatmeal with raisins and cinnamon. While Amelia is pre- occupied with her food I sneak into our bedroom (where Nathaniel is catching up on his sleep after a night shift) and put on my "workout gear".
8:00 - Eat breakfast and warm up the tea that I made much earlier in the day but have not yet finished. Clean up discarded oatmeal off the floor and Amelia.
8:15am - Go outside and collect eggs from our chickens. This happens to be a picture my friend Julie took. I was showing Eli how to pet "Priscilla".

9:00am - Nap time. Once Amelia has conked out I jump on my wind trainer and workout for about 30 minutes. Afterwards I do sit-ups, push-ups and my least favorite - squats. Blah! If Amelia is still sleeping when I am finished I usually tidy up my craft room and plan what I am going to work on in the evening...... or I just go and check facebook and some of my favorite blogs.
10:15 - Amelia wakes up and we usually go outside for a walk in the meadow near our house.
We feed the horses, check the mail. When we get back we usually wake up Nathaniel. Once he is awake Amelia follows him around the house. If he leaves her line of sight she yells "dadda" until he reappears.
1:30 - Second nap. I usually tidy up the house a bit, do some sewing and plan what we will be having for dinner.
2:30 - Awake. Another walk or playtime outside.
5:30pm - Dinnertime ie: BIG MESS
6:00pm - A bath or a shower followed by lots of cuddles, some nursing,and rough play with daddy. (I usually try to get the dishes done and put dinner away during this time.
7:15pm - Bedtime
7:30pm - MY TIME! ( I like to sew, scrapbook, read, hang out with my chickens, go horseback riding, watch a movie with Nathaniel, have some yogurt and frozen blueberries, read blogs, organize my house,
10:30pm -Bedtime for me (although I sometimes don't get to bed until sometimes 11:30 if I'm having too much fun.
What is your daily routine like.......
I thought you'd get a kick out of's my tomorrow.
1am: Check on squeaking newborn puppies
3am: Check on squeaking newborn puppies
5am: Check on squeaking newborn puppies
7am: Check on squeaking newborn puppies
Let dogs out
Prepare mush for the 4 week old puppies
Prepare goats milk for the 3 week old puppies
Feed all 19 dogs
8am Baby Izzy arrives to get babysat
Get kids breakfast, dressed and ready to go
Clean all puppy pens – lots of poo!
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
8:45 Theo to T-ball
Makiah to gymnastics
9:30 Izzy gets a bottle and off to bed
4 week old pups go play outside
Tidy the house
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
10:15 4 week pups come back inside
Clean outdoor pen
Take out meat for dinner
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
10:30 Pick up Theo
11:00 Prepare mush for the 4 week old puppies
Prepare goats milk for the 3 week old puppies
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
11:30 Clean all puppy pens – lots of poo!
12:00 Pick up Makiah
12:30 Make lunch for kiddos
Bottle for Izzy
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
1:00 Kids go down for quiet time (even Izzy)
I reply to client emails, etc.
Bake our daily loaf of bread
Tidy the house
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
Bathe or groom an adult dog
2:30 Piano Lessons for Makiah
Bottle for Izzy
3:00 Izzy get’s picked up
Tend to the garden
4 week old pups go out for afternoon playtime
Kiddos play outside
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
4:00 Make dinner
4 week old pups come back inside
Prepare mush for the 4 week old puppies
Prepare goats milk for the 3 week old puppies
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
5:00 Dinner
5:30 Clean up from dinner
Clean all puppy pens – lots of poo!
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
6:30 Family walk with the dogs
7:00 Tidy up the house
Family game
8:00 Bath, Stories and Bed for the kids
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
8:30 Email clients, fun online
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
9:00 Hang with Dave
Check on squeaking newborn puppies
10:00 Clean all puppy pens – lots of poo!
11:00 BED
c' made me laugh out loud! (nobody else is going to see this, right?)
I'm heading to Africa in 2 daily schedule is going to be much different while there. I'm starting to get excited about it!
your alexis creek life seems so quaint and stress free.....
after annabelle wakes up we relax in bed together for about 10 minutes. then, we head downstairs for breakfast and a diaper change. she's up for 5 hours before her nap so we doddle around the house for a little bit then head outdoors for the morning. we return home for lunch then off for a walk in the stroller for the nap. annabelle naps for about 2-3 hours so i take that time to catch up on dishes, laundry, facebook and some napping myself. when she wakes up we have a snack then play some more. mid afternoon we start to make dinner and hope that it's ready for daddy when he gets home. bedtime for annabelle is 5 hours after she wakes up from her nap. we bath her every night after a her last meal, take vitamins and brush teeth. then, once monkey is down for the night (7pm) we have the evening to relax together. ideally i'm in bed by 9:30, but lately it's been more like 11;little sleep is really hard for me to cope with the next day so i try not to do that too often.
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