Here is another onslaught of pictures from my day. If anyone knows how to make the images larger could you please let me know.
8:00am This moring Amelia found my stash of Mary Kay products and had a blast opening ALL the lipstick boxes.
9:00am Out for our morning walk. It blessed my heart to bits that she is finally holding my hand.
10:00am I spray painted a couple drawer handles for a piece of furniture that I am refinishing but they blew off the pieces of cardboard they were sitting on and into the cracks on our deck. I spent the better part of a half an hour trying to pull them out with a pair of chopsticks and some sticky tack. Great Success!
11:00am Amelia is developing some serious climbing skills these days.
11:30am think she is all done.........
2:30pm We spotted this cute, fat marmot type creature on our drive to the beach.
2:45pm Minutes before she upchucked into Nathaniel's goggle case.
3:30pm Eating sandy corn on the cob (yuck)
A sweet little mother bird was sitting on some babies in this stump.
Amelia wants to make friends with every creature she sees.
4:00pm Using our self timer to get a "family shot"
4:30pm There are cows on virtually every dirt road
The Chilcotin River
4:45pm Nathaniel is still reading his book as he is getting ready for work.
5:30 This is all that is left of that delicious pie......
8:30 Made a birthday card for my sister. You will be getting a little package as well Rachel)!
9:00pm Creative mayhem
Well my baby girl is waking up so I am going to wrap this up. Hope you enjoyed all the picures.
Loved the pictures Jocelyn. Also love the new look of your blog!
I am enjoying your daily week blog joc! Looks like you, nathaniel and amelia are enjoying the water and sunshine! So are we here is harrison and cultus lake. i love amelias blonde hair, so cute. i just love the card you made for my birthday, im so excited to get it. it is just beautiful! Enjoy this spectacular weather my dear.
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