Today was actually a pretty good day. Amelia slept in and then napped for an hour and 15 minutes this afternoon before we went to Big creek (a community 40 minutes from Alexis creek via a dusty, washboard road). We HAD to get out of the house today or we were both going to go stir crazy! The smoke from the forest fires is starting to become unbearable and a bit depressing. What is difficult to accept is that above all that thick chocking smoke are sunny blue skies. My husband has been working a lot of extra hours as he has been evacuating communities and closing down roads - not to mention dealing with a massive accident that landed five people in the hospital. All in a day's work. Makes my job feel a lot easier. Nevertheless, I miss him....... This evening I was feeling sorry for myself so I sat in front on the computer with a chunk of chocolate cake as my solace. Bad idea - I can already feel my insides rejecting the overload of sugar.
Where would you guys evacuate to if the fire was coming your way? Sounds like Nathaniel is really busy right now.
Oh Jocelyn, not fun times. I read on your face book that you are gathering things together? Pray all goes well!
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