- I don't have to suck my belly in. I can't, it is impossible.
- I'm almost excited about wearing a bikini in Mexico. A nice round, firm belly looks better than a soft, pale, flabby post Christmas tummy.
- If I don't cross my legs when I sneeze and I almost guaranteed to pee my pants. It is a little funny but inconvenient and embarrassing.
- I have a REALLY good excuse when I am moving a lot at night. My constant fidgeting sometimes drives my husband crazy, who is the kind of person that essentially wakes up in the same position he fell asleep in. I think I may have done that once in my life.
- I am much more ambivalent about not eating for two as I have no desire to be the size of two people by the time I reach full term. Oh but speaking of food, don't these doughnuts look delicious? If they were actually in front of my I doubt I would be able to resist them.....

- I am really excited about the doula I interviewed the other day. We instantly clicked and she was able put a lot of my fears to rest about my impending hospital birth. She has even worked with my OB on multiple occasions and said that he is natural birth friendly and even has a few VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) patients. One of the things I was most concerned about was being strapped to a fetal heart monitor throughout my labor. I was relieved to hear that I would only be subjected to constant monitoring if I was induced, which is something I will be avoiding like the plague.
My doctor would have to drive 114km and drag me out of my house before I get induced.
- I am so excited that I get to find out whether I am carrying a boy or a girl. Only three more days!!!!!! The anticipation has me giddy.
- Trying to decide whether or not to bother with the routine gestational diabetes screen. I tried to have one done when I was in town the other day but they wanted me to wait in the lab for an hour afterwards and I didn't have that kind of time to waste. Perhaps I will try again if I can get the screen done at our local red cross clinic, otherwise, I am not going to bother.
- I woke up with a sore throat this morning. *sigh* I really don't want to be sick on Christmas.
-Amelia's fever has passed but she is now congested and coughing throughout the night. This morning I decided to have some caffeinated vanilla earl grey tea instead of my standard decaffeinated peppermint tea to help perk me up.
Happy countdown to Christmas!!!!!!!