Here I sit, on Christmas Eve, pondering the immensity of this day. I am feeling lousy, but trying to remain cheerful. My husband and I had originally planned to have the boss and his wife over for a oil and chocolate fondue to celebrate Christmas Eve when we both became sick. Only 30 minutes ago that same couple kindly dropped off some warm chicken soup, crackers, a plate of Christmas cookies and a gift for Amelia.

I immediately inhaled the soup, reminding myself to save some for my sick hubby. It was incredibly good and I couldn't help but want to cry at their kindness. Now I am waiting for my dear husband to come home so that we can celebrate Christmas Eve together. He had hoped to be home around 4:30, but then received a call about a car accident two hours away. When he called to tell me that he was going to be later than had thought, I was incredibly disappointed. Not only was a I feeling sick, but now it looked as though I would be spending Christmas Eve on my own. I let myself have a big cry on my bed and then I pulled myself together and decided to make the best of it. So I gathered Amelia in my arms and helped her pick a present from under the tree. She tore the wrapping off with such gusto that it made me smile. We took a nice long bubble bath together and then I let her open another Christmas Eve present (new pajamas).

Amelia was sound asleep by 7:15pm, and I spent an hour talking to friends and family on the phone while getting things ready for a fondue (in case there was a remote possibility that Nathaniel came home)
Awhile later........

Fortunately, Nathaniel made it home by 8:30 and we enjoyed a romantic little dinner together. We decided to open our much anticipated envelope, and discovered that we are having a GIRL!!!! We are both thrilled and looking forward to meeting her in a few short months. Hope you all have a delightful Christmas.
1 comment:
Sorry to hear that you were sick :0( Having a bubble bath with Amelia sounds like a great idea! Good for you! Glad you and Nathaniel got to have some time together Christmas Eve, even if your original plans had to changed. ;0) How exciting to find out you are having another GIRL! What an original idea, waiting until Christmas! That must have been so HARD to wait!
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