Ever so thankful for the fact that......
I have been the recipient of three cabbages, (the leaves help with engorgement and blocked ducts), since word spread that I have mastitis.
My husband can leave work at the drop of a hat to give me a break during the day.
Numerous people have offered to take care of Amelia should I need to go into town for antibiotics.
We have a 24 hour clinic with amazing nurses that not only administer hugs, but also the antibiotics I need (saving me from a trip into town)
My daughter, Claire, has practically slept the day away, freeing me to take care Amelia.
A good friend that brought me brownies and genuinely cares how I am doing.
Although I loath to admit it, the fact that the television channel "tree house" has kept my daughter occupied and happy while I have nursed, and pumped the day away.
My husband is doing to dishes and tidying the house as I sit here and type this blog post. He has been so understanding and helping through this whole ordeal.
(that was me that deleted the comment above, was logged in to chris' account)
The early postpartum can be so hard, especially with two little girls who need you and family far away. I wish I was there to help too, Jocelyn (and bring more brownies!). It will get easier, and you are strong!
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