Girlhood dream: To be punk rock artist, a marine biologist or a dietitian.
Favorite all time bands: Switchfoot and Third Day
I always envisioned myself as: a mom of three boys
Favorite color: dark red wine
I'm embarrassed about the fact that: I am still driving with an N on my vehicle.
Favorite body parts: My skin, hands, and legs.
What do you collect? Tin stars, vintage utensils, and textiles from abroad.
Favorite exotic location: A city called Stone town on an island called Zanzibar in Tanzania, Africa
Favorite desserts:: Chocolate eclairs with fresh raspberries, new york cheesecake, strawberry rhubarb pie, and tuxedo cake.
What is your first memory? Being forced to eat spaghetti at a family reunion and crying because I thought it looked like blood and worms.
Greatest accomplishment: The birth of my two girls and completing a 115km triathlon.
Words I use to describe myself: Creative, adventurous, observant, goal oriented, outgoing, friendly, and outdoorsy.
Dreams for the future: Become a doula, good photographer, complete an iron man (twice the distance of my first triathlon), and possibly get a masters degree.
Creative aspirations: learn how to sew and crochet.
Looking forward to... Having a breast reduction after I finish having children
Current goal: getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight so that I can comfortably fit into my summer clothes.
If you had to only eat three things for the rest of your life, day in and day out, what would they be? Blueberries, yogurt and potatoes.
Favorite ways to relax. Sip a hot cup of tea and look at a home decorating magazine, play dress up, create something, and re-arrange the furniture in my home.
I'd love to know more about you. Respond to the questions in the comments section and you will be entered to win a prize.