( Note the garden I am in the process of digging out along the fence line - I am planning on planting a gazillion sunflowers there).
A friend called me to let me know that she saw a parcel for me at the post office. WHI HOOO! Needless to say I hurried my happy little self down there as soon as I had the chance. When I got to the post office I was delighted to discover that, in fact, there were two parcels for me as well as some letters. *Bliss*. I've had some great snail mail over the past couple of weeks and I am feeling ever so loved. When I first moved here, my dear friend Cristina would send me monthly care packages stuffed stuffed to the brim with all sorts of scrap booking supplies and other thoughtful things. Aren't care packages THE BEST! My mom also blesses me with frequent packages and I appreciate it immensely. Straight up handwritten letters and cards are also delightful to received. Awhile ago I started a "card a month club" but I have since fallen miserably behind. As soon as Claire starts going to bed at a decent hour I will be able to reclaim my creative time at the end of the day and start making more cards. I first started making cards with my friend Cristina. It is one of our favorite things to go together. We usually order pizza, drink wine and chat the evening away over pretty paper. I miss her. This is a photo of the two of us doing our other favorite thing: shopping in Fort Langley and cooing over all the lovely boutiques.
( I am seriously pregnant in this photo)
1 comment:
oh phoey, i've been a bad friend. snail mail is the best and i've been terrible at sending you some. sorry!
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