Initially I had reservations about the trip, as the mere thought of spending sixteen plus hours in a vehicle with two small children is enough to give me a panic attack, but we decided to travel at night and the trip was virtually painless. Our girls slept 90% of the time and Nate survived on red bull, coffee and bags of sunflower seeds. Our first stop was in Sointula, which is an island off the northern part of Vancouver Island. We have some great friends who were vacationing there for the summer and it was wonderful to reconnect with them for a couple of days. We spent a great deal of time on the beach, ate fish n chips, took leisurely walks, marveled at each other's recent offspring, went fishing, got stranded in a boat, watched whales (I SAW MY FIRST KILLER WHALE!!!!!!), and chatted away the hours. It was blissful!

We spent our remaining days catching up with Nathaniel's family in Port Hardly. We hadn't seen them since Nathaniel's graduation from depo and we owed them a visit. Amelia was only nine month old the last time she met her grandma and gram pa and it was special watching her get to know them. Nathaniel's mom was thrilled to finally met our little Claire. We got a chance to visit Nathaniel's sisters, get Amelia's hair cut at a salon, eat ice cream, go swimming, look for glass beads on the beach, pick loads of blackberries, huckleberries and thumbleberries, eat out, enjoy the ferry, hold crabs, and do some trail running. I feel rested, refreshed and now I need to tackle the laundry. Love Jocelyn

Love your collages of pictures Jocelyn! Sounds like you had a great vacation! Makes me think I should post about our recent time away ;0)
was so nice to see your pictures from your island trip. yes that is what i love about the island too. the sea, the wilderness, slow pace. i need to go back there too with my family. glad you had a great time.
I'm so glad you got a dose of the island in your system. I'm glad you had such a wonderful time. We are looking forward to your next visit.
Amelia's sweater reminds me that Annabelle had a pink polka dotted sweater too. Did we leave it there? She's probably out grown it by now. Amelia can inherit it, if it's at your place.
We're going to get our pictures burned on a disk for you soon!
Love to you.
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