I made an upside down plum cake the other evening. I had torn the recipe out of a Martha Stewart magazine a couple years ago and have been looking forward to making it for some time. Ripe plums are only available for a small period of time in the summer so I seized the opportunity before they were gone. I didn't have any raspberries so I used blueberries. It was delicious. I could have eaten the whole cake myself. Normally I don't allow myself to eat anything after 7pm but in this instance I had to make an exception. Here is a link to the
I tried something else new the other day. I love having curly hair, but don't have the time, nor the interest in curling it with an iron. Furthermore, my hair refuses to hold curl, so any effort I do make is often thwarted. Nevertheless, I continue to search for ways to overcome such obstacles. The other day I found a great video tutorial on pintrest that explained how to get curls without heat, or much effort. So I tried it. Here are a few photos. They are a little embarrassing. The top curls turned out well, but the lower ones were quite loose so I will have to tinker with the technique o get it to work for my long hair. I ended up wearing my hair in a side braid which I quite liked.

On another note entirely, my dear husband came home from a week long caribou hunt in the mountains, tanned and smiling ear to ear. He got what wanted and is happy as can be.
The upside down cake looks delicious!
I love your curls. I noticed your side braid on face book and was wondering how you got it to look like that.
Congrats Nate on catching the caribou!
I absolutely love your blog and stumbled upon it through a google image search. I love your photos of your beautiful family and adventures. Looking forward to more! C x
Totally unrelated to this post...but I just wanted to tell you that "I miss you!"
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