Nathaniel bought a LOT of apples last time he was in town, so I decided to turn a few of the less than spectacular ones into applesauce. Amelia loved turning the crank on my apple corer/peeler/slicer and Claire gummed on anything and everything within her grasp. Homemade applesauce is the BEST and incredibly easy to make. you simply cut a peeled apple into small chunks and then boil it on the stove with a couple of tbsp of water until it turns into a thick mush. It makes great organic baby food and is a healthy delicious snack for big people too.

After that Amelia and I made some sugar cookies. I had found a recipe for them on
pintrest last week and since I am no longer putting Amelia down for an afternoon nap I needed something to keep her busy. Her body knows that it is tired and acustomed to a two hour nap most afternoons, but if she is preoccupied and having fun she doesn't whine as much about it. Bedtime has become more tolerable for Nathaniel and I as a result.
Good for you for having some fun with your daughters ;0) I know I should bake more with our children, but it's easier without them ;0) How will they learn though...
That's hilarious. I just made homemade applesauce myself the other day. Another similarity. Arlo loves it and I have to refrain from eating it all myself!
so glad that you and nathaniel are finding a routine that works for you and amelia. yes kids are busy hey, lol. sammy asks me to go on walks up to three times as day some days but since it has gotten colder he has not been asking as much.
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