News Year's Resolutions/ Goals
I just got back from a new year's party and tucked my girls into bed. It is 9pm and I will definitely be sound asleep before the new year arrives. I am still wearing my garish 80's get-up, nasty hair spray and blue eyeshadow and I can hardly wait to have a hot shower and curl up with my journal. I can't help but become introspective on New Years Eve. I like to curl up and reflect on all the things that taken place over the past year, the highs as well as the lows, and plan for the new year. That being said, this is my list of goals for 2012......
1. Project 365. Last year I tried this and failed miserably. It was partially due to the fact that my camera died the third week in January and I didn't get a new one until the end of March. A week later I gave birth to my second child and completely fell off the wagon all together.
2. Loose 20 pounds by weighing my food and eating a specific amount of calories a day. Once I have achieved that I will start using weighs to build and define my muscles. I KNOW that it is possible I just have to be consistent and focus on what I want in the future rather than what I want in the moment.
3. Have a weekly meal plan so that I know what I am making each day and what I need to buy at the grocery store. I really don't like trying to figure out what to make for dinner at 4pm.
4. LIVE ON AN ACTUAL BUDGET. I have never yet succeeded at this time, but if we are going to buy a home and survive in one income we are going to have to learn how to.
5. Do whatever is necessary to get Claire to sleep through the night. My sleep deprived body has had enough.
The end. Goodnight and Happy New Years!!!!!!!!!!