Here I sit in my new flannel pyjamas, reminiscing about Christmas Eve as a child. For as long as I can remember, my parents would load us into a sled and pull us to United Church where we would attend a Christmas Eve service. It wasn't anything special, but I always loved singing the Christmas carols and eating the tasty snacks afterwards. The church was old and drafty and you could see the rafters through the unfinished ceiling. The basement where we had refreshments smelt like mold and old clothing, but we loved it nonetheless. When we had gotten home and had climbed out of our scratchy stockings, we got to open one present (which was always pajamas). I always like to take a long hot bath before I climbed into then. While my parents prepared the hot oil fondue, us children would lay underneath the Christmas tree and listen to Amy Grants Christmas album. We always concluded Christmas Eve with a much anticipated chocolate fondue. Hmmm it makes me all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.
Our Christmas Eve was quite simple this year, for number of reasons, but it was still thoroughly enjoyable. We didn't have a fancy fondue since didn't have enough time to shop for the ingredients on our way home from the Lower mainland, but we did have garlic sausage, cheese, triscits (thanks to Earl and Charlotte), pickles and veggies. After dinner, Amelia had her bath. I gave her some shaving cream mixed with food coloring to keep her busy while I tidied up the house.
We all opened a present each, put on our new jammies and then took a family picture. We lit candles, sang a few Christmas carols and then read the girls the storey about Jesus's birth from a children's Bible. Once they were sound asleep I made myself some peppermint tea, ate almond roca and worked on my December daily album some more. I am a little behind, and I have run out of 4X6 photo paper, so it will remain undone until my next trip into town, (hopefully on boxing day since I love to stock up on clearance Christmas decor), but I promise I will share it with you on my blog soon. This is a picture of Amelia and I scrap booking during one of Claire's naps.
Anyways, it is time for me to go to bed. A very merry Christmas to you!!!!
1 comment:
I love reading different people's Christmas traditions. Your's sounds lovely! I love your Merry Christmas banner too!
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