January 16th: Believe it or not, but it dropped to -40 the next day.

January 17th: After spending at least three hours in the freezing cold with his dog, Nathaniel was able to track down the cougar that has been sighted in our community. He shot it with his bow and was SO happy!!!

January 18th: I had to go to the local clinic for some blood work and when I got home I found Claire fast asleep in Grandma's arms. Claire rarely falls asleep outside her crib or car seat, so this was a surprise.

January 19th: Amelia and I baked a double chocolate treasure cake for my friend's birthday. It was easy to make and yeiled great results. Amelia loved putting the whipped cream and raspberries on top. Here a youtube video.of someone making it.

January 20th: Nathaniel is definitely the best storey teller in this household, although in this particular istance Amelia lost interest and Nathaniel looks like he continued reading it on his own.

January 21st: Usually I watch Grey's Anatomy with my neighbor on Thursday nights, but she was away so I caught up via watch series.com while I munched on some delicious grapefruit.

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