Regardless of where I go, I always find myself thankful to return home.
That being said, we had an INCREDIBLE time in Hawaii!!!
I have been longing to post pictures from our trip since we arrived home a week ago, but I had to get my house in order, donate a couple garbage bags of stuff to the thrift store and get decent night of sleep. After living out of suit cases for two weeks, I have been reminded, once again, that we have too much stuff and that it is time for another purge.
Our flight to and from Hawaii was easy peasy. I was SO relieved! I had emotionally and mentally prepared for the worst. Things didn't get tricky until after we arrived in Hawaii and our girls came down with yucky colds -sore throats, ear aches and fevers, know you- the works.

Amelia was feeling pretty crummy when I snapped this photo of her.
Thankfully, they recovered within a couple days of lounging by the pool - aided by heaps of oranges and passion fruit.
I spent the first day of our vacation unpacking, soaking in the hot tub, and taking photos of the grounds and foliage.
This pool was FANTASTIC for the kiddos.
Levi didn't waste any time finding some dirt to play "monster trucks".
I love this photo of my dad enjoying a nice cup of coffee one morning.

All of the children LOVED the hot tub but I think my nephew Sam loved it the most.
One of my favorite memories, was journaling with the girls on the deck during Levi's nap time. We brought good quality cardstock, a palate of watercolors and heaps of paintbrushes. The goal was to paint something we had done that day and then journal about it. I loved seeing what the girls chose to document.

Nate brought some poke home one day after grocery shopping. I thought it looked revolting but it was DELICIOUS!
It felt so good to run around barefoot, clad in only a tunic or bathing suit. In some ways, this vacation made me feel a bit like a child. I ate lots of ice cream bars, sat in the hot tub until my fingers got wrinkly and did hardly any chores.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel caught hundreds of lizards, terrorized the local chickens, climbed coconut trees and did crazy stuff like this.....
and this....

Our first adventure was a trip to what we called "the airport beach". It had a naturally protected cove pool where the children could swim as well as tidal pools full of creatures.
About every 20 minutes or so a HUGE aircraft would pass overhead. It never got old.

We also attempted a small hike with some cranky children. Everything looks serene in these photos but there were a lot of tears and piggy backs.
When he didn't have the energy to drag our children on an adventure we just took it easy at the house. My dad has the right idea. Relaxation at its finest!

These folks spent hours hunting for gold dust day geckos.

Amelia was distraught after an anole bit her.

The culprit. He looks like a cranky fellow doesn't he?
This smile epitomizes his heart and zest for life.
One day we took a LONG bumpy road to a beach that we had read about in a guide book. Although the drive sucked, it was worth every bump. I loved the gritty white sand, the steep beach and the frothy surf. We sat in the shade of coconut trees and spent the afternoon watching surfers get thrashed. It was magical.

Another day we went to a lovely local market in Waimea Valley with my brother and his family. We enjoyed lots of yummy food, friendly locals and beautiful landscapes.

to be continued....
Absolutely gorgeous photos Jocelyn! Looks like a lovely trip that I wish I was on right now actually instead of this snow!
I look forward to the next installation of photos,they warm my heart.
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