I can't quite remember how I found this photo, but for some reason it really captured my attention.Perhaps, it is because adoption is something that has been on my heart for the last year or the fact that the youngest girl in this photo reminds me of my own daughter Amelia. Consequently, I found this family's blog which is entitled "rage against the minivan" and was hooked.Here is a link to their adoption storey. It is quite a powerful.... be prepared to cry.

Adoption is terrifying, fascinating, heart breaking, life changing and something I can't get out of my head. Here I am, on the cusp of birthing my second child, and I can't help but think about all of those other children in the world that have been abandoned by their families. It breaks my heart when I think about the fact that many children spend their lives shuffled from one orphanage to another, unloved and neglected. It just seems so unfair. Life isn't fair, I know that, but its horribly unfortunate that children are often its primary victims.

I seriously thought the youngest one looked like Amelia too!
I forgot to say that I often think about adoption as well.
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