Well I suppose I should update my blog, although I haven't felt like writing much these days. I have been pre-occupied with thoughts about whether or not Nathaniel and I should transfer to the island, as we had originally planned, or extend our stay in Alexis Creek for another year. Initially we were more than ready to leave. We were actually counting down the weeks until our transfer papers arrived. We were tired of feeling lonely and disconnected.December was filled with a flurry of Christmas preparations and parties, and while we enjoyed having an active social calender, we still felt lonely and disconnected. On boxing day, however, our Sergeant and his wife hosted a get together and Nathaniel and I finally got to meet two of the new families coming to Alexis Creek. Since then we have met a lot of great people (RCMP, nurses, teachers and some locals we hadn't previously met). Nathaniel started taking a fly tying course, which he is enjoying immensely and I finally have people I can visit with on a daily basis.Needless to say, our hearts have changed and now we are seriously weighing the pros and cons of leaving.
Moving to Naniamo
1. Only a ferry ride away from my immediate family.
2. Farmers markets and grocery stores (not to mention malls)
3. To attend a big church with great music and have Christian fellowship with other believers.
4. To buy a home that has( three bedrooms, two bathrooms, big kitchen, a shop,and a fenced yard) all things we do not have here in Alexis Creek.
5. To be closer to my dear friend Heidi who is also moving to the island this spring.
6. To be able to wear high heels and go shopping on a whim (although I doubt I would have much spending money).
1. Nathaniel is not at full pay rate yet and we would struggle financially to make ends meet, especially since we would have a mortgage and we would need a second vehicle.
2. Although we have been approved to buy 400,000. + home we know that it would be wiser to buy something much cheaper, but we have NO DESIRE to live in a condo, apartment or huge row home with NO yard. We want a home with a big green yard, preferably with fruit trees and room for our chickens.
3. We have no desire to live on the edge of our pay cheque. Saving money would be nearly impossible.
4. We would most likely have to give our chickens away.
5. We would be leaving a community where we FINALLY feel connected, not to mention new friends and hobbies.
6. It would be extremely tiring and difficult to find and purchase a home in a week with a toddler and an infant.
Staying in Alexis Creek
1. Save money and live inexpensively until Nathaniel reaches full pay.
2. Spend lots of time with Holly *smile* as well as my other new friends.
3. Possibly get a dog (something Nathaniel has wanted for a long time)
4. Be able to afford a second vehicle (probably a newer car or SUV) My pick!
5. I will be able to gallop in the meadow on my favorite horse.
6. Nathaniel has a great boss and is enjoying his work more.
7. Nathaniel will have another hunting season and be able to do lots of fly fishing.
1. Long drives into town for groceries
2. My basement is a dark dungeon and my kitchen is really small.(arrgg)
3. Our yard is not fenced and Amelia is constantly running out on the road (perhaps Nathaniel can build something out of chicken wire to keep her contained)
4. The possibility of spending another summer chocking on smoke from forest fires.
hmmm...its a conundrum
sounds like you have been busy PONDERing this for awhile.
we are in a similar boat...dave got a 1 year research fellowship at notre dame university. we could move but its only 1 year and housing would be difficult. or he could commute...go up monday and come back friday. blah
thursday he heard from a school in canada and they want him to come for an on campus interview next week. its a fulltime permanent job but its in ontario....
too many decisions!!!
well...i will keep your family in prayer while you guys make a decision.
luv, Gina
Wow! Good on you for writing out the pros and cons. Praying God will give you peace in making the right decision!
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