We are planning on having a birthday party for Amelia with our friends and neighbors later this month, but decided have a family celebration on her actual birthday since Nathaniel's Grandma is here with us. I prefer small, intimate gatherings to large parties, but I am looking forward to doing party bags and a fun rainbow fruit tray for the bigger event. I'm thinking there will be a "rainbow theme".

When I asked Amelia what kind of cake she wanted she requested a "blue one". We made some chocolate devil's food cake and "blue" cream cheese frosting. Amelia's favorite part of baking is licking the spoons and beaters.

We had some leftover candy and we decided to make a rainbow.

Amelia's presents lined up on the top of the fridge. I just got her a few simple things. Crayons, glow in the dark stars for her room, her favorite movie "Rio" and some little stuffed animals. Her big present was a big girl bike with training wheels.

Chatting with Grandma Judy while she blew out her candles. We made her party hat from some scrapbooking paper and a recycled bow.

Daddy was showing her how to hold up three fingers

A very special moment that I managed to capture since I was already holding my camera. Hurray for shutter speed!

I am not the sort of mom that cries on her children's birthdays (I've realized), and that is perfectly okay with me. For the longest time I never understood when women lamented the transition from infancy to toddlerhood, but since Claire has come along, that is beginning to change. Perhaps it is because I am enjoying the "baby stage" a little more this time around, or perhaps it is because we are still on the fence about whether or not we are going to have a third child. In any case, I am learning to enjoy each stage of my children's lives rather than longing for the next milestone.
This past year has been a challenging one for Amelia and I, but I am confident that it WILL get better. I still anticipate a lot of battles (as she is only three, fiercely independent and strong willed) but I also look forward to all the fun we are going to have as well. She is becoming incredibly articulate, capable, helpful and creative.
Love this, Joce!
That picture with her and Nathaniel is so precious and (no surprise, I'm sure, ha ha) made me tear up just now. <3 How lovely a moment to have captured! I can't believe she is turning 3 already ...
I think it's important, between the moments of teeth clenching (!) that we try to savour these days with our children. I have to remind myself all the time; I don't want to be this tyrannical mother who doesn't understand her children and just yells at them ... sigh ... it is a daily challenge, isn't it! I hope you are blessed in your babies and have many joyful moments that outshine the frustrating ones!
Lots of love, my friend! <3
I've quite enjoyed your posts - looks like the birthday celebration was special. :-)
Glad I'm not the only mom who doesn't mourn my children's milestones - I love the little stages, but since my goal is to raise adults, not maintain babies, I've never quite understood why most moms seem to mourn rather than celebrate signs of growth.. :-)
Beautiful party hoc. Wish I could have been there. Wish amelia a happy birthday for me. I would have called but I'm stuck in hospital. Love you.
I love all of the pictures, but especially adore the one of Amelia and her Daddy ;0)
Happy Birthday Amelia!
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