Feb 23rd: Finally finished pinning all the places I have visited on my world map.

Feb 24th: This has been one of the most challenging weeks I have ever had with Claire. She is cutting three teeth right now and is MISERABLE. She has pretty much stopped sleeping at night, has decided to stop eating and resorted to only breastfeeding. Oh, and she wants to be held ALL the time. It has been rough for both of us.

Feb 25th: Still love her to bits!!!!!

We met up with some other families and went ice skating at our local outdoor rink. The weather was beautiful and our children had a blast.

Feb 26th: I had a friend over for some tea today and I was shocked at how much tea I have accumulated. My favorites are peppermint and chocolate chai tea, but I am always trying new flavors. The plate of goodies on the side are called peanut butter and chocolate haystacks and they are SOOOOOO addictive. I am so happy I that I didn't eat even any. I included the recipe if you want to deal with the temptation.

Chocolate and peanut butter haystacks
1/2 cup butter 1 and 2/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup milk
4 Tablespoons cocoa
1/2 cup natural peanut butter (regular pb works fine, too)
3 and 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats
1 Tablespoon vanilla
In a medium sized saucepan, mix together the first five ingredients and bring to a boil. Let boil for 1 minute and then remove from heat. Add in remaining ingredients and then use a teaspoon to drop the mixture onto cookie sheets lined with waxed paper. Chill until set. Keep in refrigerator.
Feb 28th: I have been enjoying eating papayas and mangos as they are low on the glycemic index. Amelia was very eager to spoon the seeds out of this papaya, but not nearly as keen to try a bite.

Feb 29th: Last year I attended boot camp until I gave birth to my second daughter Claire. One of the local teachers organizes it and does a great job. I am finally allowed to work out now that I am in the "maintenance" part of my diet. I a still hoping to loose another 10 - 15 pounds, but I would like to see if I can maintain my weight for a month or so first.

Love seeing that pin way up in Whitehorse!! Hoping to plan a trip back home in August. I miss the Yukon! :)
Wonderful pictures Jocelyn! I just love 'em!
you probably already figured out that it's me, Caroline...
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