I love love love autumn and all that it entails. I love apple cider, picking out pumpkins... baking with them, eating copious amounts of squash (as I have mentioned before), taking walks in the cool fall air, gathering pretty leaves, sipping pumpkin spiced lattes form Starbucks, making a fire, and pulling out my scarves and hats and cooing over the ones I haven't seen for a WHOLE year... I have quite a collection. Perhaps I should take a photo of them all sometime. Halloween on the other hand, I could do without. I don't like the ugly nasty decorations people put on their lawns, the scary costumes people wear, the celebration of all things ghoulish, dead and evil and the low grade candy. Yes, I am a bit of a candy snob. I am always amazed when I ask people what there favorite celebration is and they announce cheerfully "Halloween". I just don't get it!
I feel a lot more like my normal self today. Reasons:
1) My daughter let me sleep in until 7am this morning...
2) I sat in a rocking chair and let the sun's warmth soak into me while I did my devotions.
3) Spent some time making some cards and a layout with the verse from Corinthians.
4) Connected with my heavenly father. The best part of my day.
5) Went for a 8km run in the fresh air while Amelia read books in her chariot. This is her pushing it around the yard while I was lacing up.
5) Ate a big pile of vegetables for dinner.
Glad you feel better today, dearest! That veggie dinner looks YUM-my. ;)
Hey Jocelyn!!
Wow, it's been so long since last seeing you and now you're expecting baby # 2 ~ what a joy!
I read through a couple of your posts just now ~ I saw the link on your Facebook profile and thought I'd check it out :) I've done ALOT of blogging myself over the past few years, although recently not so much. I do enjoy blogging though I was just not liking the feeling of everyone reading so much of my personal life & then everyone then knowing about all that's going on in our lives when I see them. Of course, it's a great way to keep in touch with ppl you don't see often though!
Anyway I wanted to let you know I really enjoyed reading through your posts ~ I felt that I could relate to you on so many levels! I am SO NOT a Halloween celebrater myself and it's hard not to be irritated when everyone is asking what we plan to dress our boys up for Halloween... I guess I just don't appreciate ppl assuming that we do. Thankfully there are many local churchs that put on Harvest parties & I have no problem allowing our boys to dress up, they love playing dress up on any ol' day!
Well I'm off to watch a movie & fold my mountain of laundry awaiting me on my couch! Have yourselves a beautiful weekend!
Blesings to you guys,
Love Anita
Glad to hear you are feeling better Jocelyn! I don't like Halloween either! ;0)
maybe they like halloween for the same reason you like wigs :)
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