Lately I have been thinking a lot more about the future and what it may hold for me and my family. Sometimes I get so wrapped up and bogged down by the now that I forget to remember that life is not static. As much as I love our little country existence I REALLY look forward to attending a bigger church, having a babysitter so Nathaniel and I can have dates nights (without Amelia), being able to shop at farmer's markets, or the freedom to pop down to the local grocery store for something instead of waiting for our next journey into town (112km away). That being said, I am going to miss the wide open spaces, the sound of cows mooing all day long, the quiet, the slow pace of life and the country folk.
I have also been starting to daydream a little about what I would like to do with myself once my children, I plan on having three, start attending school. As much as I love the arts, crafting and social work I am really warming up to the thought of becoming a doula and then, perhaps, a midwife. Birth fascinates me, and it is something I can't stop reading about. I love hearing women's stories - the good the bad and the ugly. I think that midwifery empowers women to have choices about their bodies during labour and birth.
Ordered this darling hat for Amelia. Can't wait till it arrives in the post.

Perhaps I will order these next......

Sorry for the lack of personal pictures. My computer isn't reading my memory cards at present.
Okay, I'm commenting! You know that I'm so excited to hear you talking this way! KEEP IN TOUCH! I really think birth is a true calling, and it's really hard to deny it. I'm always available if you want to talk (to plan or just to daydream!).
heaven forbid that i ever get pregnant again--will you be my midwife/doula?
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