I am sitting here at my computer as the scent of cream cheese pumpkin bread fills the house. The sun is streaming through the windows on squeaky clean floors. Nathaniel has taken Amelia into town with him to run errands and pick up groceries, which means that I have at least five hours of free time to spend as I wish. My plan is to clean for the first two hours and then do some fun stuff. I may even be able to squeeze a bike ride in before they get home. So excited!
Some people may think that stay home mom's have endless time on their hands but in reality 90% of that time is centered around meeting the needs of a little one. Finding time to go on the Internet, work out and even eat a meal in peace are not easily accomplished. Some days, Amelia is willing to sit in her chariot while I run for an hour and other days she won't sit still for 5 minutes. Some days I can cook a gourmet meal and clean the kitchen, other days I am lucky if I can throw some lettuce and raw veggies in a bowl for dinner. Fortunately, Nathaniel likes salad and never complains. Some days Amelia happily plays on her own for 20 minutes at a time, giving me the chance to tidy the house or blog, but most of the time she pats the ground beside her inviting me to play with her. It really is quite sweet and I can never resist it. This morning, while we were out for our early morning walk, Amelia said "thank you" for the first time after I asked her to put down the piece of firewood she taken from our neighbors yard. That made me smile. Sometimes she can can be so darn cute!
It looks as though I will be able to visit my family in a couple of weeks. Nathaniel has another course so i decided to catch up on some much needed visiting with friends and family. I know that my mom is looking forward to seeing Amelia and the new things she is up to. I am REALLY excited about my ultrasound as there is still a possibility I may be able to find out the gender of my baby. As I mentioned on face book, we are toying with the idea of waiting until Christmas to find out, but I am not sure it I am patient enough. I would like to start calling my little one by their name.
Well enough blogging for today. I am going to play now and maybe play dress up in my clean room!
YUM! Will you share your recipe?
I'm with Heidi; recipe please! :D
If you do come down here soon I'd love to see you!
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