Monday, February 9, 2015


When my children plow through a stack of printer paper in a month  and  paste their artwork all over the walls and windows......   
I remind myself that I am fostering creativity.

When they insist on making their own sandwiches and destroy the kitchen in the process....
I remind myself that I am encouraging them to be independent and capable.

When they pull every carefully folded blanket out of the linen closet to build an elaborate  fort in the middle of the living room.....
 I remind myself I am fostering imaginative play.

When it feels like a nuisance to help them set up a garage sale on our sidewalk so that they can sell their can sell their old toys and make money to buy new ones....
I remind myself I am fostering an entrepreneurial spirit

When I am trying to cook or bake something and they want to be involved and it ends up in their hair and all over the floor...
I remind myself that they are learning valuable skills for the future.

When I am scrapping  glue from a glue gun off my kitchen counters.....
I remind myself that I allowing them to be fearless

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really think I would enjoy getting to know you if we lived closer. I so enjoy your blog, and tell myself these same things all the time. 😊
