Thursday, November 30, 2017

Currently: November

My new black skinny jeans, knock off pearl earrings and a plaid button up. 

sliced bananas topped with Adams peanut butter,  walnuts and cinnamon. It's totally my favorite snack these days.

forward to making some coconut macaroons that I tried at a birth a couple weeks ago. They were incredibly delicious and satisfying. 

 about SEX... this morning it was the topic of discussion at our mom's bible study group. I am leading the group this year so I get to pick the topics, and if you know me... you know that "sex" is one of my favorite topics :0)

to write my annual Christmas letter. This past year has been such a whirlwind. 

the beginnings of a cold. I felt a tickle in my throat when I woke up last night for the millionth time to cuddle Levi back to sleep as he has been quite sick. I almost ALWAYS get a wretched cold in December. 

on my chin ups. I am determined to be able to do 10 in a row by Christmas. 

a getaway to Victoria with my hubby to celebrate 14 years of marriage. 

to Chris Tomlin's ADORE CD on repeat. 

to spend less this Christmas.

 about taking the kiddos to the" Ladysmith Light Up" tonight. 

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