Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm back !!!!

Hello! It has been over a month and a half since I blogged and I am SO excited  about being able do so again. As you were probably aware, our computer has been struggling and our internet access has been obsolete. I have tried to blog using a my iPhone a couple of times and it made me want to stick a fork in my eye. Besides, not being able to upload photos from my Nikon made blogging feel pointless. While some people are good at taking pictures with their iPhone, I am NOT.   Needless to say, I back and I have so much to share! Honestly I don't even know where to begin. We had an incredible summer, visited with loads of friends and even went camping (once). Many of you have asked for photos of our little man, Levi Nathaniel Lord, so I think I will start there. I haven't had the chance to sit down and write his birth story but  I look forward to sharing it with you when I do.
With each day that passes I find myself falling more madly in love with my little man. I still can't believe that I have a little boy! He has the same dimpled chin that my girls have and looks like a lot like Claire did when she was an infant. He also has the furriest ears I have ever seen on an infant! He is  mild tempered except for the hours between 8-10pm when he makes me WORK (just picture a  cranky, fussy, gassy baby). Other than that, he has been pretty awesome.  Once he got his days and nights sorted out he started sleeping for four to six hours at a time.
Having Nathaniel home has allowed me to focus on and enjoy Levi in ways that I wasn't able to with my first two children. Not only am I more rested but also more relaxed.
 Our girls are pretty smitten as well and want to pet, hold, kiss and maul him all day long.




Mrs. R said...

I was giddy when I saw you had blogged again! Your little man is adorable and so happy you have been able to rest and enjoy it more this time around. Can't wait to meet him when your stream of visitors ends!

Caroline said...

Oh Jocelyn, it is so good to have you back! I've been thinking of you and wondering how you've been since giving birth to your little man. I love the pictures and can not wait to hear the birth story!